Sunday, February 16, 2014

Scotland part 2

So while I am having a Pint (alright, two pints) and chatting about local soccer and the Hibs, I see that a abnd is playing locally called "the Beat" which I was suspicious of (cover band? Knockoff?) Nope. It was them minus Dave Wakeling and they were amazing. What memories of dancing at Todays or Cherry street at Hartwick to that stuff.

Big problem is that everyone else my age was there and reliving those moments as well. Big fat guys and fat girls in a small venue dancing around and jumping. I am too old for the crowd. Not too old for the show-it was awesome and completed a pretty F#@$@g day for me. I had a Guiness in my Hotel room and went to bed!

Oh yeah-music. I went to bed Saturday night and watched TV for 1/2 hour. This is tough becasue there are only about 4 channles. Anyway, How I met your mother is on and it is an epsiode where Ted & Marshall drive in a car for hours with a cassingle that is stuck and it plays the Proclaimers "500 miles" over and over and over and over and over and over and over. I went to bed with that Scottish song in my head.

Here is the

Guess what they play over and over and over and over and over at the Hibs field?

500 Miles  Yep. I am still singing it.

I was a purchaser of cassingles as many of you know. Spell check does not even know what it is, sadly

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