Friday, February 7, 2014

So I am recovering from a couple of days of less then exciting traveling in London. You see, the union of the Tube (or the 33% that actually voted) staged a strike because they don't want the city to let people go and be replaced with automatic ticket machines  LIKE THE REST OF EACH MAJOR CITY IN THE WORLD. In fact, the machines and automation are already there.

Yes that is Bob Crow, head of the union. I find it so awesome thought that fortunately for this guy on a soccer tour, this first strike was only for two week-days (Wed & Thursday) because the Labor party really does not want to mess with the weekend Football and Rugby plans. Yep, the "Labor" party totally screwed everyone in the city of London for two days.  I think they should rename it to something more reflective.

If this petty politics happened int he US of A, you can bet there would be hell to pay.....

1 comment:

  1. Unless things settled looks like couple days next week may be possible. Hope not for your sake!!
    One web site that's good for travel is - it lists strikes and newsy travel stuff that may help should you travel outside of London.
